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Do Basenjis like to cuddle?

Animal Expert
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Basenji plays in a special way. They love to be two together. They play, hug and groom every day. 22янв. 2020г.

Is Basenji affectionate?

Basenji can be a strange dog. Very affectionate to his family, but not to strangers. They used to hunt in packs, but if you're young, you'll usually get along with other dogs. However, it may be controversial with other Basenji.

Do you like Basenji to be held?

Basenji likes to approach people in his own words. Also, I don't like to grab or hug, so I don't recommend it for young children.

Is Basenji a lap dog?

Basenji requires as much exercise as any other hunting dog. Don't be fooled into thinking he's a lap dog or a couch potato. Basenji is one of the easiest varieties to care for.

Do Basenji like to swim?

Is this breed half-cat? Well, Basenji loves to keep himself clean and well, and tends to be cautious around new people. And Basenji almost universally hates water.

Do Basenjis like to cuddle?

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