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Are baby salmon called fry?

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When the yolk sac is gone, baby salmon are called fry. Most flies have large rectangular spots on the sides called parmarks. Permarks help camouflage fry from predator-eating fish. Fry from fish that eat predators.

What is baby salmon?

Newly hatched salmon are called fry. At this stage, it looks like a thread with eyes and a giant yolk sac. The fry remain in the red until the yolk sac is absorbed. The 10th. 2013

Are baby fish called fry?

When the yolk sac is completely absorbed, young fish are called fry. Fry: The fry is ready to start eating on its own. As fry grow into adults, they undergo several developmental stages that vary from species to species.

What is the difference between smolt and fry?


Are baby salmon called fry?

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