Are Basenjis rare?

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Basenji is currently the 85th most common AKC variety. Basenji is more popular than it used to be, but it's still relatively rare compared to other varieties. As a result, the number of shelter dogs labeled as Basenji Mix is ​​suspiciously high. 1 minute. 2018 г.

Is Basenji expensive?

Buying and hiring Basenji The cost of adopting Basenji is about $ 300 to cover the cost of caring for a pre-adopted dog. In contrast, buying Basenji from a breeder can be exorbitant. It usually costs $ 800 to $ 2,500, depending on breeding.

Why is Basenji so bad?

Potential health problems. Basenji is vulnerable to health problems such as eye disease and fatal kidney disease and is primarily limited to Basenji, called fanconi.

Why do people love Basenji?

Basenji is incredibly intelligent They are too smart for their own benefit and quickly learn how to get exactly what they want from you. Some have given Basenji the title "Having a dog's affection and a cat's temperament." Their stubborn independence can hinder training.

Are Basenjis rare?

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