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Are birds as smart as humans?

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Brain size and structure are not automatic gauges of intelligence, but can be clues. Birds may be small, but they have a proportionally larger brain compared to their overall body and head size. In fact, the bird's brain is equally proportional to primates such as apes, monkeys, and humans. 17th. 2020г.

Are birds smarter than humans?

Many scientists believe that crows, a family of birds including crows, rooks, rooks, and jays, may be one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. increase. .. They are second only to humans in intelligence-smarter than apes in some research tests.

Are birds smarter than we think?

Many bird species are incredibly smart. .. Two papers published today in science have found that birds actually have a brain that is much more similar to our complex primate organs than previously thought. 2020

Are birds smarter than mammals?

Birds can also have a high density of neurons, in some cases similar to the number of neurons in the mammalian brain. Studies with captive birds have provided insights into which birds are the smartest.

Are birds really stupid?

For centuries, scientists have dismissed birds as ridiculous, based on the physical differences in their brains. .. However, scientists' attention has been directed to the intellect of non-mammals, including birds, in the last few decades. 2016

Are birds as smart as humans?

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