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Are cavies related to rabbits?

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I thought it looked like a rabbit because it was housed in the same barn. error. Guinea pigs are a family of rodents, including guinea pigs. if you need a reference point, this is a rabbit. 15th day. 2014г. No, guinea pigs and rabbits cannot live together. Both may be small and cute, but they don't work. Differences in their diet and behavior make it difficult for two animals to live together. It is advisable to keep the seeds together rather than mixing them. In addition to vocalization, the cavity sends a message using scent markings. Fragrance markings are primarily used to mark each other and their area between the combined pairs. Pairs are monogamous and it is the man's responsibility to catch up with the woman wherever he goes.

Their proper Latin name is Cavia Porcellus. They are closely associated with rabbits, mice, hamsters and rats, but more closely with chinchillas, porcupines and capybaras. You can see what we are talking about by looking at the faces of each of these creatures.

Are guinea pigs related to rabbits?

Guinea pigs are a member of the rodents. Their proper Latin name is Cavia Porcellus. They are closely associated with rabbits, mice, hamsters and rats, but more closely with chinchillas, porcupines and capybaras. You can see what we are talking about by looking at the faces of each of these creatures.

Do cavities mark each other with those cavities?

If you have a pair of cavities, you probably see them marking each other. They prefer to live in pairs of male and female ties, and males protect their companions violently. In the wild, they are social animals that live in remote communities and settlements, such as burrows and warrens. Usually one pair lives in each burrow.

What is the animal that looks like a rabbit and a deer cross?

They are relatives far from guinea pigs and are somewhat similar to the cross between a rabbit and a little deer. The legs are small and compressed, so when viewed from a distance, they look like hoofs and their ears are long like rabbits. They are known as Patagonia guinea pigs, Patagonia rabbits, or Dilaby.

What kind of animal is Patagonia's guinea pig?

Patagonia guinea pig. The Patagonian guinea pig (Dolichotis patagonum) is a large, herbivorous rodent. They are relatives far from guinea pigs and are somewhat similar to the cross between a rabbit and a little deer.

Are guinea pigs related to rabbits?

Animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, degu, chinchillas, (dwarf) hamsters, rats, mice, garbils, squirrels, ferrets. .. The majority of these small mammals are rodents (rodents), with two exceptions: rabbits and ferrets. Rabbits are lagomorphs (lagomorphs), not rodents.

What is a guinea pig?

Extended family. Guinea pigs are more distantly related to rodents of the genera Microcavia, Galea, Hydrochoerus, Kerodon, and Dolichotis. Includes other guinea pigs, capybaras and maras. For example, the Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris is the largest rodent in the world.

What kind of family is a guinea pig?

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Can guinea pigs mate with rabbits?

Rabbits and guinea pigs do not belong to the same species and cannot mate.

Are cavies related to rabbits?

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