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Are deers correct when referring to different species?

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Is "deer" correct when referring to different species? -Quora. The correct answer is "yes". Multiple types of deer can be called "deer". (Despite the fact that my automatic spell checker doesn't like it.) Here are some commonly known deer: white-tailed deer, mule deer, elks, moose. 6 Santo. 2020г.

What do you call multiple species of deer?

Deer are accepted as plurals, but are rarely used. The word deer comes from the Old English deor. This means a beast, a four-legged animal. Also, Dutch dier and German tier. Deer is one of the irregular plural words such as sheep and fish.

Is the deer a seed?

Deer (Cervidae), one of the 43 species of ruminants of the order Artiodactyla, with two large hooves and two small hooves on each foot, in most species of males and females. It is famous for having an antlers. One seed.

Why don't you call it a deer?

"Deer" cannot be used to mean "deer seed". "Deer" was not a commonly used format, but "fish" has always been used. Therefore, the "deer" grate the native speaker's ears in a way that the "fish" does not. 2014

Can you call it a deer?

These words refer to both the singular and optionally the plural of nouns. Deer is one such word. Used according to both singular and plural requirements. .. Two deer and ten deer are not wrong.

Are deers correct when referring to different species?

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