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Are gorillas the largest primate?

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Gorilla are the largest living primates, with heights of 1.25 to 1.8 meters, weights of 100 to 270 kg, and arm lengths of up to 2.6 meters, depending on species and gender. They tend to live in the army and the leader is called Silverback. both species are classified as endangered by IUCN.

What is the largest primate in the world?

The Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla beringei) is an endangered species of the genus Gorilla and the largest living primate. Currently, this species is subdivided into two subspecies. Eastern lowland gorillas or grauer gorillas (G.

Are gorillas the largest apes?

The largest great apes have wide chests and shoulders and are human-like. A chunky animal with large hands and small eyes set on a hairless face. Two gorillas live in Equator Africa, separated by a forest in the Congo Basin, about 560 miles.

What is the largest great ape?

The world's largest great ape, the Grauer gorilla, is endangered by the International Conservation Union's endangered "Red List". Listed as a species.

How did gorillas become the largest primates?

Gorilla was isolated from other apes about 7 million years ago. However, some sources indicate that it began to inhabit Africa about 11 million years ago. The extinction of other apes has made gorillas the largest primates in the world.

Are gorillas the largest primate?

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