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Are humans related to apes?

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Humans are primates and are diverse groups containing about 200 species. Monkeys, lemurs, and apes are our cousins, and we have all evolved from a common ancestor over the last 60 million years.

Are humans and apes the same family?

Humans fall into a subgroup of primates known as apes. .. Humans fall into the ape subgroup, also known as apes (Apes), because they have a body that is genetically and structurally very similar to apes.

Are humans apes?

Did humans evolve from apes? number. .. Humans have evolved with orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas. All of these share a common ancestor until about 7 million years ago.

What percentage of humans have a relationship with apes?

Humans and chimpanzees share an amazing 98.8 percent of DNA.

Are humans related to apes?

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