Komodo dragon (desert animal) [Statts, Leo]. * Free * delivery of eligible offers. Komodo dragon (desert animal)
Is the Komodo dragon a desert animal?
Komodo dragons mainly inhabit the lower part of the island. They prefer forests and savanna areas. However, Komodo dragons can survive in the dry desert.
Are there Komodo dragons in the Sahara Desert?
Found in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and the islands of the Southwest Pacific.
What kind of habitat does the Komodo dragon live in?
They live in tropical savanna forests, but are widely distributed throughout the island, from beaches to the tops of ridges. Komodo dragons eat almost all types of meat and prey on carcasses and stalkers of various sizes, from small rodents to large buffaloes.
Do Komodo dragons like hot weather?
Komodo dragons have the smallest home range of the largest predators in the world! They like it hot, with daytime temperatures in the dry season reaching 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) and humidity often 70 percent.
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