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Are pink river dolphins real?

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Amazon river dolphins, also known as pink river dolphins or bots, live only in freshwater. It is found in many of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela.

Can river dolphins turn pink?

Amazon river dolphins can change colors! The Amazon river dolphin is famous for its pink hue, but it wasn't born this way. Dolphins are actually born gray and slowly turn pink as they get older. .. Interesting fact: When a dolphin gets excited, it can turn as bright pink as a human!

Are pink dolphins rare?

According to WWF, there are only an estimated 2,000 pink dolphins left in the Pearl River Delta. This is the minimum number that conservationists believe is necessary to maintain the species. There is a clear fear that Delta dolphins may become extinct under the current orbit of the population.

Are there pink dolphins in the ocean?

There are pink dolphins on this planet. .. Some call this species the Indo-Pacific Hump Back Dolphin, or Chinese White Dolphin. But believe me. They are pink and sadly in trouble. One of the challenges of making a living from the productive interface of freshwater and the sea is that humans also like to do so.

Why is the dolphin river pink?

Coloring is believed to be scar tissue from violent games and battles over conquest. The brighter the pink, the more attractive the male is to the female. At least during the mating season, it occurs when water is drained and males and females are re-trapped in river channels.

Are pink river dolphins real?

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