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Are rabbits considered rodents?

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Most of these small mammals are rodents (rodents), with two exceptions: rabbits and ferrets. Rabbits are lagomorphs (lagomorphs), not rodents. even their diet is very different from other small mammals. In fact, their diet is very similar to that of cats.

Are rabbits rodents?

Contrary to common belief, rabbits are not rodents. Rodents (rodents) are the largest group of mammals, of which 1500 are rodents (out of 4000 mammals). Rabbits were originally classified as rodents, but are now part of the lagomorpha Lagomorpha. 15дек. 2020

What is the classification of rabbits?

Rabbits, also known as bunny or bunny rabbits, are small mammals of the Leporidae (with rabbits) of the order Lagomorphs (with pikas). The Oryctolagus cuniculus includes European rabbit species and their descendants, as well as 305 breeds of rabbits from around the world.

Is the rabbit a rat?

Bunny rats, or hairy Connie rats (Reithrodon auritus), are a type of rodents of the Cricetidae family that grow naturally in southern South America. .. Bunny rat family: Cricetidae subfamily: Sigmodontinae genus: Reithrodon species: R. auritus

Are cottontail rabbits rodents?

Rabbits are lagomorphs, like the familiar cottontail rabbits found in the backyard, and are members of the mammalian lagomorphs (from Greek, lagomorphs + form). .25янв. 2018 г.

Are rabbits considered rodents?

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