Are snails intelligent?

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Snails have priority. It always seeks cover from predators and seeks food as the basis for survival. It's likely not "smart" because it doesn't contain much of the nervous system, but it knows how to properly adapt to survive and prosper in many environments. The 13th. 2015 г.

Do snails have intelligence?

"Abalone asinina is capable of learning, that is, it indicates" intelligence ". Mollusk zoologist William Healy Dal (1881) has made a serious report on a child who has a pet snail (apparently Neohelix albolabris or a related species). She "recognized" her voice and distinguished it from others.

What is the IQ of snails?

And don't worry about the fact that animals know nothing about all the topics asked in the IQ test. So no, snails can't have IQ.

Do snails recognize humans?

Do snails recognize humans? Snails have very poor eyesight and do not recognize you. However, their sense of smell is very good and they begin to recognize how you smell.

Do snails have emotions?

Snails are emotionless as we recognize them. Snails have only a basic nervous system and a very primitive brain, so they cannot process emotional information or physical sensations. As a result of the simplified system, snails do not feel physical pain.

Are snails intelligent?

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