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Are sponges found in freshwater?

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Freshwater chests of drawers grow on the sturdy submerged objects of clean streams, lakes and rivers. Of the sponge phylums to which all sponges belong, only one family (Spongeidae) occurs in freshwater in the United States and the rest are found in the marine environment. 6окт. 2020г.

Do sponges live in freshwater or saltwater?

Sponges are very simple creatures without tissue. All corals need salt water to survive. Most sponges are found in the sea, but many species are also found in freshwater and estuaries.

What is the only freshwater sponge?

Spongilla lacustris is a type of freshwater sponge of the family Spongillidae. It inhabits freshwater rivers and lakes and often grows under logs and rocks.

Which of the following sponges can be found in fresh water?

-Sponge usually belongs to Demosponge and has a skeleton made of spongin fiber. Widely seen in fresh water.

Where are most sponges?

Sponges are the most common and diverse in the marine environment, but are found in virtually all aquatic habitats.

Are sponges found in freshwater?

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