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Are there pandas in Europe?

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They will spend a few years in France before being sent to China, the zoo said. Other countries in Europe also have giant pandas such as Austria, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Finland. There are about 1,800 pandas inhabiting China and about 500 captives around the world. 2авг. 2021

Do pandas live in Europe?

As of 2019, 26 in 20 countries other than mainland China (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea) There is a zoo. , Spain, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA) There are huge pandas.

In what country can you find pandas?

According to the National Zoo, wild giant pandas can only be found in the remote mountainous regions of central China, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu.

Is there a panda in the UK?

Here at Edinburgh Zoo, there are two giant pandas, Yang Guan and Tientien. .. These two are the only giant pandas in the UK and were brought to the Edinburgh Zoo in 2011 as part of a 10-year agreement that includes donations from charities to support the protection, welfare and research of giant pandas in China. Arrived.

Do you live in Germany where you play pandas?

In June 2017, thanks to the efforts of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the panda pair Meng Meng and Jiao Qing arrived at the Berlin Zoo and the giant panda returned to Berlin. Since 2019, twin brothers Pitt and Paul have also pleased visitors as the first pandas born in Germany.

Are there pandas in Europe?

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