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Can a blind rabbit survive?

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Blind rabbits can still lead a fulfilling and happy life. Even if your rabbits have visual impairment at an early age, they can learn to walk around and have fun. Even without eyesight, rabbits can use other senses to grasp their surroundings and lead a normal life.

What should I do if the rabbit is blind?

There are some important things to keep in mind when caring for a blind rabbit: 1 Keep things consistent. .. 2 Make sure their living area is safe for them. .. 3 Make sure there are as few obstacles as possible in the play area. .. 4 Blind rabbits are heavily dependent on the sense of smell. Blind-DisabledRabbits.com

What causes rabbits to be blind?

Rabbit Visual Impairment Rabbits may be born blind due to congenital problems, or they may cause blindness due to medical problems such as trauma or cataracts. Regardless of the blindness, your pet bunny doesn't have to have eyesight.

How do I know if the bunny is invisible?

How do you know if a rabbit is blind? : 1 You will be amazed by the normal sound. 2 Make a slow movement. 3 The response to the stimulus is delayed. 4 nervous. 5 The eyeball retracts. 6 The pupil dilates. 7 Redness. 8 Eyes swell.

Rabbits hide to die to keep them safe?

When a rabbit reaches this stage, it often hides under the cover it finds. This is a good instinct for wild sick prey, but it can be difficult to find and comfort your pet. Care for your rabbit will continue throughout its life until its last moment.

Can a blind rabbit survive?

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