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Can an octopus live with 2 hearts?

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An octopus with two hearts may be much less active than normal, but can survive. That said, if an octopus loses a whole-body heart and it pumps blood around the body, it's as good as dead.

Do octopuses need all three hearts to survive?

An octopus cannot survive because it is the heart that supplies blood to the whole body and also helps to supply important oxygen around the body. If you think you have a lot of three hearts, you might be even more surprised to know about a hagfish that looks like a slimy, sticky eel. 2018

Which animal has 8 hearts?

The animal with eight hearts is a barosaurus. Having eight hearts means that more pressure is needed for blood circulation in the body.

Why do octopuses have nine brains?

The octopus has three hearts. This is because the two hearts pump blood to the gills, and the larger heart circulates the blood to the rest of the body. The octopus has nine brains. This is because, in addition to the central brain, each of the eight arms has a mini-brain that can move independently.

Which animal has six hearts?

# 1: Earthworms Finally, among animals with multiple hearts, earthworms do not actually have hearts. Instead, they have a heart-like system called the aortic arch. This closed circulation system carries food, waste products, and respiratory gas throughout the earthworm's body. 2021

Can an octopus live with 2 hearts?

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