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Can anything run faster than a cheetah?

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What is faster than a cheetah? — No animal on earth can run faster. However, peregrine falcons can plunge faster than cheetahs run. And peregrine falcons cannot be compared to airplanes, rockets, or the speed of light.

What can run faster than a cheetah?

Pronghorn (Antilocapraamericana). The cheetah is the fastest sprinter, while the pronghorn, also known as the American antelope, is the fastest long-distance runner in the animal kingdom. It can maintain speeds close to 35 mph for several miles, even faster over short distances.

Is there anyone who can run faster than a cheetah?

Currently, the fastest human in the world is Usain Bolt of Jamaica. He set a world record in 2009 with a 100-meter dash in a ferocious time of just 9.58 seconds. This is equivalent to a speed of just over 23 mph. It's fast, but not comparable to a cheetah!

Is there anything better than a cheetah?

They are adorable. Yes, the average human can kill a cheetah in battle. Cheetahs are large, lean cats that are not as dangerous as lions and tigers. The average person is known to kill large, unarmed animals such as cougars, leopards, black bears, and even grizzly bears.

Can Usain Bolt run faster than a cheetah?

Usain Bolt may be the fastest known man in life, but he is not comparable to many animals, both wild and domestic. The cheetah is the fastest terrestrial animal capable of achieving 70 mph, about 46.5 mph faster than Usain, which averages 23.5 mph.

Can anything run faster than a cheetah?

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