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Can blind people perceive light and dark?

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Only 18% of people with severe visual impairment are actually completely blind, but most people can at least perceive light. In other words, you cannot see the color, shape, or person, but you can see the difference between light and dark. 28янв. 2016 г.

Are blind people sensitive to light?

The majority of legally blind people have some degree of vision. .. People who are blind generally experience photophobia. This is also known as photosensitivity. Sunglasses help people with photophobia protect their eyes from bright light that can cause discomfort and further loss of vision.

Can visually impaired people see shadows?

Given the invisibleness, you might imagine pitch darkness. However, most visually impaired people can still see a little light or shadow. They can't see things clearly. People who have some vision but still need a lot of help are sometimes referred to as "legally blind."

Can blind people perceive light and dark?

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