Like most insects, cockroaches have multiple nerve centers. When they lose their head, the rest of the body continues to work separately. In fact, cockroaches can live indefinitely without a head if they don't need a mouth to eat and drink. 17th. 2020г.
How long can a cockroach live without a head?
So how long can a cockroach live without a head? Well, here's the answer up to a week! Unlike humans, cockroaches have small holes in each part of their body but breathe, so they do not need a mouth or head to breathe.
Can cockroaches regenerate their heads?
Cockroaches can regenerate their limbs, but not their heads. Both the body and the head can survive for a long time, but it is impossible to re-grow the head. A developing cockroach called a nymph is elastic and can regenerate tissue after a major injury.
What if a cockroach loses its head?
If a cockroach loses its head and brain, the nervous tissue (known as neural tissue aggregation) continues to work, providing a fairly normal life for strange headless creatures. You can stand, touch, and move around. 2019г.
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