Be careful when providing freeze-dried insects. Too much can lead to intestinal obstruction and constipation. Superworms, waxworms, crickets, cockroaches. * Do not provide hedgehog insects caught outdoors as it is difficult to tell if they are exposed to harmful pesticides or fertilizers.
Can hedgehogs freeze-dry cricket?
Pet hedgehogs may eat cooked, lean chicken, turkey, beef, pork and other table foods (moderately due to their high fat content). .. Fresh, canned, or freeze-dried mealworms, waxworms, and crickets are suitable as a limited treat, although moderately many feed insects are high in fat.
Can you feed the dry insects of the hedgehog?
One of the best things you can do for a hedgehog is to provide an additional whole insect as part of your diet. Dried insects are a delicious, nutritious, cost-effective and shelf-stable food choice. Live insects are also highly recommended!
Is it possible to feed hedgehogs with dried mealworms?
It is not recommended to feed hedgehogs with dried mealworms. Hedgehogs have little nutritional value and can be harmful to health. .. Radiographs of the entire hedgehog show the effects of feeding large amounts of mealworms. She had severe metabolic bone disease. 2019
Can hedgehogs eat frozen dried shrimp?
As pet owners, you should ensure that the food you give your pet is safe and does not cause side effects that are harmful to their health. Hedgehogs can eat shrimp. However, the calcium-phosphorus ratio of shrimp is 1: 0, which can affect the balance of blood ions.
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