Rabbits love food and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet. The main part of the rabbit's diet should be an unlimited amount of fresh hay (preferably Timothy or Meadowhei), grass, and plenty of clean water available.
What are the fruits and vegetables that rabbits can't eat?
Dangerous vegetables and fruits for rabbits Vegetables that are toxic to rabbits include potatoes, rhubarb, mushrooms, broad beans, common beans, and iceberg lettuce, says Dacombe. In terms of fruit, avocado is a fatty fruit that contains a fungal toxin called persin, which can be fatal when ingested by pet rabbits. 2018
What kind of fruits and vegetables can rabbits eat?
Contrary to common belief, rabbits need to eat more than carrots and lettuce. You need a balanced diet of hay, fresh vegetables and fruits, and some pellets. Bell pepper. Bok-choy. Brussels sprouts. The top of the carrot. Cucumber. endive. Escalol. Fennel.
What are the fruits that rabbits can't eat?
Apples and pears are the most notorious examples, but apricot, peach, plum, and mango pits contain cyanide as well as cherry pits. The amount of cyanide in fruit seeds and holes is generally small, but it is best to avoid feeding it to rabbits.
What kind of fruits and vegetables can rabbits eat every day?
Feeding rabbits as a snack Apple (without seeds) Since it contains a lot of sugar, it should be given only to rabbits as a snack. banana. Rabbit meat has a lot of sugar, so it's okay to eat bananas once in a while. Blackberry, blueberry and carrot tops. .. Dandelions. .. Grapes. What can rabbits eat
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