Snails need water to survive. So, if the weather doesn't go well, they can actually sleep for up to 3 years. Depending on the geography, snails have been reported to be able to transition to hibernation (occurring in winter) or aestivation (also known as "aestivation") and escape warm climates. 19th. 2019г.
How long can a snail hibernate?
Some snails are not the same as sleep, but have been reported to be able to hibernate for up to 3 years. This long hibernation also indicates that the snail's environment is very cold and dry. 2021
How many years can a snail live?
How long do snails live? Most snails live for a couple of years (in the case of terrestrial snails), but larger snail seeds can survive up to 10 years in the wild! However, in captivity, snails have a maximum life span of 25 years, which is Helix Pomatia.
Are the snails in my garden dead or asleep?
Some garden snails are so small that it can be difficult to determine if a garden snail is dead. Dead snails often have an unpleasant odor. Most snails cannot live outside the shell. If the snail looks shellless or has a crushed shell, it may be dead.
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