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Can tiger Cubs hurt you?

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Long before their first year, tiger cubs are big enough to defeat adult humans, and wrestling with cubs is a very bad idea. Even their play bites can cause serious damage and kill humans. 22 minutes. 2018 г.

Are tiger cubs friendly?

Looks harmless like an overgrown kitten. But these animals are not tamed — they are just young. The USDA allows people to interact with tiger cubs that are only 4-12 weeks old. After that, they are considered too large and too dangerous for human interaction.

How old are tiger cubs dangerous?

Approximately 12 weeks after birth, the Cubs are considered too large and dangerous for tourists to keep pets.

Do pet tigers attack their owners?

Most tigers attack humans only if they cannot physically meet their needs in other ways. Tigers are usually wary of humans and usually do not like human flesh.

Can tiger Cubs hurt you?

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