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Can turkeys show affection?

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Turkey is very sociable, affectionate and loves to play. If you throw an apple at a group of turkeys, they will play with it like soccer. They form long-term social bonds with each other and with humans. Turkeys love to be stroked, stroked and hugged.

Do turkeys hug people?

However, when raised as food, these options are not available. In nature, turkeys stay with their mother until the age of five months. But today, almost all turkeys hatch in large incubators and do not see their mothers or feel the warmth of their nests. 2017

Do turkeys want to be pets?

Pet turkeys are very friendly and sociable She loves to be pets and can even sit at our feet and get attention! Each turkey is different and some Toms can become territories. However, most turkeys are generally obedient and have become good animals to be around their children. 2020

Do turkeys protect their owners?

3) Turkeys are shy, but sometimes they are loving pets. Most were initially on factory farms. "Many arrive as victims of negligence, atrocities, or hoarding," Manning wrote. .. Pet owners said birds are different in character and are often nervous animals, but they can also protect their owners.

Do turkeys dance when they recognize someone?

The Atlantic article "Thinking about Turkey" states that researchers "when an individual turkey is removed from a flock, even domestic animals clearly protest and crouch until they reunite with his property. I found that. " They enjoy stroking their wings. When you meet someone you recognize, you will dance.

Can turkeys show affection?

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