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Can you own an ocelot as a pet?

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Today, Ocelot is a species that is protected in many places, but it is no longer an endangered species. This means that it is much more difficult to keep an ocelot than a standard domestic cat like a domestic cat. but in some places, such as Alaska and New England, pet use is completely prohibited.

What states can own Ocelot?

The state of Ocelot 21 as a pet bans all dangerous exotic pets, including wild cats. Five (Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Wisconsin) have no laws regarding keeping dangerous wildlife as pets. According to Big Cat Rescue, certain species are permitted or require permission in the other 24 states.

How much is a pet ocelot?

Exotic kittens are very expensive to buy Most medium-sized cats like her serval and caracal cost between $ 1700.00 and $ 2800.00, and Ocelot can run up to $ 15,000.00. increase. The higher the rarity of a cat, the higher the price.

Does Ocelot hurt humans?

Ocelot may look like an exotic kitten, but its strength and temperament make it unsuitable for a typical home pet. And while Ocelot has no power or tendency to kill humans, it can still be dangerous around your home.

Can I use Ocelot?

The iconic adoption of Ocelot helps protect and protect Ocelot and its habitats. .. Buyers who donate 100% of their adoption costs to Ocelot Protection will only receive a card and certificate. Ocelot's adoption is a great gift to family, friends, or yourself.

Can you own an ocelot as a pet?

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