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Did giant pandas migrate from Asia to Europe?

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Until its discovery, the oldest fossil giant panda found in China was 8 million years old. It leaves 2 million years for pandas to migrate to Asia. researchers can't say exactly whether Europe or Asia came first, but there is evidence to suggest that pandas were born in Europe. 1 day. 2017 г.

Where did the giant panda come from?

The giant panda, which grows naturally in central China, has become a symbol of vulnerable species. Only 1,864 giant pandas live in their habitat, and an additional 600 giant pandas live in zoos and breeding centers around the world.

Is the giant panda native to Asia?

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca; Chinese: big bear cat; pinyin: dàxión gmāo), also known as the panda bear (or simply panda), is a bear that grows naturally in central and southern China.

Do giant pandas move pandas?

Giant pandas move frequently according to the life cycle of bamboo. Depending on the species, bamboo grove withers every 10 to 100 years. After that, the panda is forced to move through the woods in search of fresh bamboo. The forest is still vast, but the panda was able to move normally.

Do pandas live in Europe?

As of 2019, 26 in 20 countries other than mainland China (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea) There is a zoo. , Spain, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States) Have huge pandas.

Did giant pandas migrate from Asia to Europe?

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