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Do all octopus have 3 hearts and 9 brains?

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Octopus has up to 9 brains! Yes, you are reading that right, 9. About two-thirds of its brain is in the arms, and the rest are generally donut-shaped around the esophagus. Not only that. This aquatic animal also has three hearts. The 13th. 2017 г.

What does an octopus do with its nine brains?

Most octopuses eventually succeeded in guiding their arms to food. This proves that the central brain, which processes visual information, can control the arm. Thanks to their nine brains, octopuses appear to have the advantage of locally and intensively controlling their behavior.

Is there an octopus with 9 tentacles?

"Natural diversity": Nine rare tentacle octopuses found in the Tohoku region. Sendai – A rare nine-tentacle octopus was recently discovered off the coast of the Tohoku region. Those interested in rare creatures are on display at the local Nature Center.

Do you have all the octopuses? Nine brains?

The octopus has nine "brain". One central brain is used for overall control. At the base of each arm is a group of nerve cells that can control each arm independently and act as a small brain.

Which animal has 3 hearts and 9 brains?

The Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood, and the reality is stranger than fiction. The central brain controls the nervous system. In addition, each of the eight arms has a small brain. It is a cluster of nerve cells that biologists say control of movement.

Do all octopus have 3 hearts and 9 brains?

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