This effect was most pronounced in small, fast-paced species. Large, slow species with few predators such as elephants live long in the wild.
Do animals live longer in the wild or in captivity?
Mammals in zoo populations were found to generally live longer than wild mammals (84% of species). 2016
Which of the larger and smaller animals will live longer?
However, in biological science, there is a rule of thumb that large mammals such as elephants (lifespan: 40-75 years) and whales (35-110 years) live longer than small mammals. Mouse and rat (about 12 months).
Do large animals tend to live longer?
Larger species tend to live longer than smaller species, but taller individuals of the same species have an average shorter lifespan. 2018
Do animals die faster in zoos and in the wild?
Recent studies have shown that zoo-dwelling mammals have a longer life expectancy than wild-dwelling mammals. A study recently published in Scientific Reports confirms that mammals generally have a longer life expectancy in zoos than in the wild. 2016
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