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Do brown banded cockroaches live outside?

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Both can be harmful household pests. The Brown-banded Cockroach does not live outdoors like the American Cockroach and the Oriental Cockroach, so if you live at home, you will stay.

Where do the brown-banded cockroaches live?

Habitat. Brown-banded cockroaches prefer dry, warm places and are found in cabinets, pantry and closets. They can also be found around the motor housings of electronic devices and refrigerators. The brown-banded cockroach can also hide from humans in various places, such as clocks and picture frames.

Is it normal for cockroaches to be outside?

Even outdoor cockroaches pose a health hazard to humans because they are carriers of diseases including Salmonella. It also causes allergic reactions in some people, causing asthma and skin disorders. Therefore, addressing the problem of outdoor cockroaches is essential before bacterially covered pests find their way indoors.

Where do the brown striped cockroaches hide?

They tend to be found higher than most other cockroach species, evacuating to the upper cabinets of kitchens and bathrooms and gathering near the ceiling. However, these cockroaches often hide their egg cases in or under furniture.

What if you see a cockroach outside your house?

Approximate the size of the bug. If it's longer than an inch, it's probably an "invading outer cockroach." If it's short, you probably live at home with a lot of friends, so it may be time to call your exterminator.

Do brown banded cockroaches live outside?

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