Do you remember pets? Yes, but they remember differently (or more than we think) from us. Cats have better overall memory than dogs (dogs' short-term memory lasts only a few minutes, but cats last up to 16 hours), but they are also more selective in their behavior towards these memories. 20окт. 2016 г.
Which pet has a better memory?
Sorry, Elephant: At least for now, dolphins occupy the top spot with the best memory. According to new experiments, bottlenose dolphins can remember the whistles of other dolphins they lived with after 20 years of separation.
How much do you remember cats and dogs?
Studies have shown that dogs have about 2 minutes of time, but cats have short-term memory of about 16 hours. Cat memory is both episodic and selective. Events inherited in long-term memory must be very important for cats. 2018
Do cats forget like dogs?
The answer is yes. Cats, like dogs, have excellent long-term memory. Whether they remember you is another matter.
Do cats have strong memories?
Memory. Overall, cats have great memories. Under experimental conditions, cat memory was demonstrated to have information retention or recollection for a total period of 10 years. However, relationships with humans, individual differences in intelligence, and age can all affect memory.
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