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Do fox cubs stay together?

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Some cubs spend the rest of their lives in the group they were born in, while others leave to find another family to join. Dispersion is really expensive for foxes. 4авг. 2011 г.

Are the foxes together as a family?

The fox is lonely. Unlike relatives, foxes are not pack animals. When raising children, they live in underground burrows of small families called "fox chains" or "fox skulls". Otherwise, they hunt and sleep alone.

Do foxes grow turnips together?

Foxes have a highly developed social system, form a strong pair, and have jointly cultivated "kits". Some male foxes take their companions, while others practice vulgar polygamy.

Are mom and dad foxes together?

Foxes are usually monogamous. This means that they have only one lifelong companion. They also take on nannies to help their puppies. The nanny is a female fox that is not a breeder.

How long have the fox family been together?

Gray fox pups exhibit adult appearance and behavior at 4 months of age, but are trained by their parents and spend an additional 3-5 months with their families. After a while, the young gray fox establishes their territory and seeks companions.

Do fox cubs stay together?

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