Mother hedgehogs generally eat babies when there is a serious environmental hazard. It is not common to eat a baby when it is quiet and peaceful. 27th. 2017 г.
Do hedgehogs eat babies?
Male and female hedgehogs sometimes eat babies. [1] Women can eat babies for several reasons, including stress, the presence of men, and external threats. Men do not know that the baby is their descendant, so they eat the baby only when they are around him.
Are hedgehogs cannibalistic?
Hedgehogs may also eat their babies. African pygmy hedgehogs are known to prey on their children when their mothers are frightened, although they may be popular pets on social media.
What kills a baby hedgehog?
European pine martens, weasels, stoats, and mice can harm young hedgehogs.
Why do hedgehogs cannibalize?
Hedgehogs can sometimes show a tendency to cannibalize. However, they are not the only species that perform this behavior. .. Scientists have not identified the cause, but this behavior can be affected by many external factors, including limited food supply, overcrowding, or the presence of predators. 26мая 2021г.
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