Hedgehogs do not recognize their names like dogs and cats. But if you name them and call them often, they will respond and pay attention to you because their names and your voice are well known. As long as your voice is familiar with them, they will even react to different names. 16th. 2021
Do hedgehogs recognize humans?
Hedgehogs can connect with multiple people once they start associating the scent of others with friendly. Hedgehogs are more relaxed around people who know they are not a threat and make ties with them much easier.
How smart are hedgehogs?
Hedgehog intelligence is the intelligence of hamsters, and while they can learn certain behaviors through active strengthening and conditioning, they are only at a very basic level. Hedgehogs are very communicative when it comes to their needs and often do not throat when they are happy or happy.
Do hedgehogs feel affection?
Some hedgehogs show no signs of outward affection, while others are very affectionate to their owners. .. Despite his somewhat lonely personality, he is very affectionate to his owner and can watch TV or snuggle up to his lap with him.
How do you know if a hedgehog likes you?
Personality plays an important role when it comes to how affectionate a hedgehog is. When your hedgehog stops breathing out and screaming, it's a sign that they are affectionate by trusting you. You can say that your hedgehog is enjoying your company when you are around them and their quill is not always straight.
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