Unlike sugar gliders, prairie dogs, and meerkats, hedgehogs do not live in colony environments. Hedgehogs do not pair for the rest of their lives and do not form natural bonds with other wild hedgehogs. Keeping hedgehogs individually is the safest way to keep them and will never harm the average pet. May 27, 2013
Do hedgehogs live in groups?
A group of hedgehogs is called an "array". However, hedgehogs are rarely mentioned because they are usually lonely creatures that gather only to mate.
Do hedgehogs live in one place?
Hedgehogs live in a variety of habitats. They live in most parts of the UK, except in very moist areas and vast pine forests. It is also often lacking in highlands such as wastelands and hillsides. Hedgehogs enjoy life on the edge of the forest.
Do hedgehogs go around in groups?
No, hedgehogs do not live in groups. They are lonely creatures who prefer to be alone. They nest alone and hibernate. Mothers live with Hoglet in groups until they are ready to leave the house in about 6-8 weeks.
Do you have a hedgehog family together?
In the wild, hedgehogs are lonely creatures. They hunt alone and do not form lifelong bonds with other hedgehogs. When the male and female mate, the male (wild boar) leaves the female (sow) and raises a young hoglet alone. 2021
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