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Do insects have 6 legs or 6 limbs?

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Insects have 6 legs and 2 antennae, and the body is composed of 3 main areas: head, chest and abdomen. They have an exoskeleton that contains sensory organs for sensing light, sound, temperature, wind pressure, and odor. 17окт. 2017 г.

Do insects have 6 limbs?

* Adults are 6-legged. * The body of an insect consists of three parts (head, chest and abdomen). * Insects have a pair of antennae.

Are insects four-legged or six-legged?

By biological definition, insects have three pairs of legs or a total of six legs. However, there are insects and other arthropods that have modified their legs for other purposes such as predation, digging, jumping, and sensing. They appear to have four legs, but in reality they have six.

Are all six-legged animals insects?

Yes, insects always have 6 legs. Some of them may appear to have four legs, modifying the appendages for other functions. Still, structurally, these modified organs have the same basic uses as most legs. In addition, there are also arthropods called arachnids.

Do most insects have 6 legs?

Most insects have 6 legs, 3 segments, and an exoskeleton.

Do insects have 6 legs or 6 limbs?

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