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Do Komodo dragons like hot weather?

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Komodo dragons have the smallest home range of the largest predators in the world! They like it hot, with daytime temperatures in the dry season reaching 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) and humidity often 70 percent.

Do Komodo dragons live in hot climates?

The dragon gets a sunbathing area that warms up to well over 100 degrees if you want to keep it warm. They also have a sensor (pineal gland) on their heads that tells them when they need it! The glands sense UV light and use it to regulate body temperature to move light in and out. 2018

What kind of climate do Komodo dragons live in?

Habitat. Komodo dragons have prospered for millions of years in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands. They prefer the island's tropical forests, but can be found throughout the island.

Are Komodo dragons affected by climate change?

Komodo dragons are currently classified as endangered and have been accused of climate change. .. Climate change. The International Conservation Union has stated that it is due to rising temperatures and sea levels, and the world's body expects that the proper habitat for dragons will decrease by at least 30% over the next 45 years.

Do Komodo dragons need the sun?

These cold-blooded reptiles love to sunbathe and help digest food. This means that the Komodo dragon is the best time to see it in the morning when it's in the sun.

Do Komodo dragons like hot weather?

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