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Do mandrills travel in packs?

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Mandrills live in small social units, but often together with other small groups form large groups called hordes.

Is the mandrill included in the pack?

Mandrills live in groups, predominantly harem structures, and protect a group of females with exclusive mating rights by the dominant male. Mandrills breed every two years.

How many mandrills are in the pack?

Mandrill lives in multiple male / multiple female groups and has an average of about 40 members, including young people, within a larger group called the Army. The army can contain as many as 600 to 800 individuals.

Does Mandrill live alone?

An adult male mandrill spends most of her life alone and returns to the army only when the female is ready to breed. .. Female mandrills are responsible for raising small things. They tend not only to their own babies, but also to the babies of other relatives.

Are Mandrill Monkeys Aggressive?

Mandrills can be very aggressive and quickly frustrating. They are usually shy and peaceful, but can be aggressive. Mostly the most aggressive mandrills are adult males because they are very territorial and defensive. The predominant adult male is large and usually the most dangerous and aggressive.

Do mandrills travel in packs?

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