We compared the skin and respiratory evaporation of 5 reptiles at 23 ° C. skin evaporation was the primary means of water loss in all animals examined. This goes against the general belief that reptile skin is virtually impermeable to water.
Do reptiles absorb water from their skin?
Reptiles, unlike mammals, can absorb water through their skin. So they don't have to drink to rehydrate, but they can just take a bath.
Is the skin of reptiles watertight?
Reptile skin, in contrast to amphibians, is covered with scales that form armor that increases watertightness and allows reptiles to live on land.
Why do reptiles lose water from their skin?
Reptile skin is a hard sheet of keratin scales. Keratin is the same substance as human hair and nails. This makes it waterproof and prevents the liquid inside the reptile from evaporating. 2019
Do reptile skin need to be moistened?
Their skin must remain moist to absorb oxygen and is therefore free of scales. .. Unlike amphibians, reptiles breathe only through the lungs and have dry, scaly skin that prevents them from drying out.
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