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Do seagulls have any purpose?

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Due to their large size, these seagulls are known to harass other birds to steal food and prey on small birds, eggs and chicks. Although not always clean, birds have natural capital that helps control populations within coastal ecosystems. 17th. 2020г.

Can seagulls be anything?

Seagulls eat insects, fish and eggs. The fact that they consume insects suppresses the population of insects. Seagulls are a natural pest control for farmers and gardeners. 19th. 2013

Do you need seagulls?

Seagulls are cleaned in landfills and drawn to where we feed. Often considered annoying, some species of seagulls are now endangered. Without humans, their natural food supply would be restored, so in balance, they would be much better without us.

Is the seagull a problem?

Seagulls are beautiful animals that can be observed in the natural environment, but they can be annoying around your property and causing constant noise, confusion and health risks from their dung. Also, during the breeding season, birds can become aggressive if they feel threatened.

What does it mean to have seagulls?

Although they have good visibility and are unlikely to be harassed, the group is jointly on the lookout for potential threats in the area. Seagulls are opportunists. If you throw out the food that attracts them, they will bite, fly, and compete for position.

Do seagulls have any purpose?

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