Do slugs have livers?

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Also called the liver and pancreas, both the liver and pancreas. Normally, the liver only produces digestive juices and stores nutrients, but digestion also occurs in the snail's hepatopancreas. Lime is also obtained from food and later transported through the bloodstream to the cells that make the mantle shell.

Do slugs have organs?

The slug trunk ends with mucous pores and is usually clogged with mucus. Inside the trunk below the part covered on the left side of the mantle is its heart. .. This means that slugs have both male and female organs. Only one gender at a time.

Do slugs have internal organs?

The slug's physique is unattractive. One wide muscular leg has an intestine (hence the class name is abalone). .. Slugs secrete a mixture of protein and sugar from their feet and combine it with water to make slime.

Do snails have organs?

The terrestrial snail has organs and systems under its shell, similar to humans. The animal's internal organs, including the digestive glands, lungs, heart, and reproductive organs, are located within the mantle cavity inside the animal's shell. In slugs, the organs are just behind the area of ​​the head.

How many stomachs does a slug have?

5-saliva duct, 6-esophagus, 7-stomach.

Do slugs have livers?

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