Most snails have a blood pigment called hemocyanin that uses copper. snails usually have two atriums, one atrium and one ventricle. Few groups have two atriums, and the heart is a three-chamber atrium. There is a valve between the atrium and the ventricle to prevent blood from flowing back. 17th. 2012г.
Do slugs have three hearts?
Most species have two chambers. The atrium that receives blood lymph from the gills or lungs and the ventricle that feeds it into the aorta. However, some primitive abdominal feet have two gills, each supplying its own pinna, so the heart has three chambers.
How many organs does a snail have?
The terrestrial snail has three major organ sets for sensing the surrounding world, as shown in this figure.
Can snails be loved?
There is only one answer. The sex of snails is very complex. Snails are hermaphroditic, so there are many things to think about when you fall in love. Unlike you, garden snails can produce sperm like men and at the same time carry eggs like females.
How many lives does a snail have?
Life. Most species of terrestrial snails are annual and other species are known to live for 2-3 years, but some larger species can live in the wild for more than 10 years. For example, a 10-year-old Roman snail Helix pomatia is probably not uncommon in the natural population.
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