The snail's heart has two ventricles, the ventricle and the atrium. It is in the heart bag, the so-called pericardium. water snails excrete highly diluted primary urine, while terrestrial pulmonary snails have developed the ability to absorb most of the water.
How many hearts does a snail have?
Snails usually have two ventricles, one atriosphere and one ventricle. Few groups have two atriums, and the heart is a three-chamber atrium. There is a valve between the atrium and the ventricle to prevent blood from flowing back. The snail cycle is basically open.
Is the snail's heart inside the shell?
Internal structure The terrestrial snail has organs and systems under its shell, similar to humans. The animal's internal organs, including the digestive glands, lungs, heart, and reproductive organs, are located within the mantle cavity inside the animal's shell.
Can snails feel pain?
Snails can exhibit opioid reactions, and mussels release morphine when faced with harmful stimuli. Both reactions suggest that these animals actually feel pain. Mollusks do not have a brain by themselves, but show centralization of the nervous system. They have several pairs of ganglia connected to the ganglia.
Does the slug have a heart?
The slug trunk ends with mucous pores and is usually clogged with mucus. Inside the trunk below the part covered on the left side of the mantle is its heart. The heart has only two chambers (there are four!). This means that slugs have both male and female organs.
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