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Do spiders have legs they don't really need?

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Spiders that do not have up to two limbs can create a spider web and easily hunt. Scientists may have discovered why spiders are so creepy and creepy. They have more legs than they need, says a new study. The spider's 60 had eight legs, while the 63 each lost one or more legs. August. 2011 г.

Can spiders live without their legs yet?

If the leg is amputated before the breakpoint, the spider will amputate the leg, but only after additional blood loss. This can be fatal.

What happens if I cut off a spider's leg?

If you really had a broken leg, some or all of it would have fallen off. The spider's muscles are clamped to prevent excessive loss of pressure and fluid. Spiders can live without one, two, or even three legs. It can make their lives more difficult, but they will be okay.

Do spiders have legs they don't really need?

Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇

What happens if a spider gets stuck in a leg?

How many legs are present in spider?

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