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Do sponges have a specific body plan?

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Sponge has three different body plans: asconoid, synconoid, and leuconoid. Sponge feeding is highly dependent on some specialized cells in the organism, such as choanocytes, amoebic cells, and porosite. 11th. 2015 г. The composition of sponges can be simple or complex, so they are divided into three main types: ascon type, cyclocomputer type, and leuconoid type. 5. Sponge classification: Porifera's classification is mainly based on the type of skeleton within it.

study.com Изображение: study.com There are three body plans for sponges, but not in these forms. Define a taxonomic group. The asconoid sponge is shaped like a simple tube with perforated pores. The open inner part of the tube is called the sponge coil. Contains choanocytes. There is a single opening to the outside, the oscrum.

What is the most complicated sponge body plan?

The most complex sponge body plans are called leuconoids. In these sponges, the canal system forms a more elaborate bifurcation network, where the canal leads to the digestive chamber instead of the sponge coil. In leuconoid sponges, choanocytes line up in the digestive tract rather than in the canal.

What is the most important structure of the sponge?

The most important structure is a canal and chamber system called the water flow system, in which water circulates and carries food and oxygen to the sponge. The water flow system also helps disperse gametes and larvae and remove waste products.

What is the body plan of Asconoid Sponge?

There are three body plans for sponges, but these morphologies do not define taxonomic groups. The asconoid sponge is shaped like a simple tube with open pores. The open inner part of the tube is called the sponge coil. Contains choanocytes.

What are the three types of sponges?

Sponge has three different body plans: asconoid, synconoid, and leuconoid. Sponge feeding is highly dependent on some specialized cells in the organism, such as choanocytes, amoebic cells, and porosite.

Do sponges have a specific body plan?

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