The skeletal elements of the sponge are produced by amebic cells. Amoeba cells produce spongin, a soft fiber that forms the natural bath sponge. These sponges have a soft skeleton made of flexible fibrous sponges, which gives them a soft and elastic feel.
Is the sponge a soft body?
The soft body of most sponges is supported by a network of spikes. Those spikes can be as sharp as a needle. The spikes form a rigid frame that helps support the body of the sponge. A mass of living jelly cells can be seen in the spikes.
Is the sponge soft or hard?
In most sponges, an internal gelatinous matrix called mesohyl functions as the endoskeleton, and it is the only soft sponge that covers a hard surface such as rock. More generally, mesohyl is cured by mineral spicules, spongin fibers, or both.
Is the sponge soft?
A sponge is a tool or cleaning aid made of a soft and porous material. Sponges, commonly used to clean impermeable surfaces, are particularly good at absorbing water and water-based solutions.
Does the sponge have a main body?
Many spongins have a spongin internal skeleton and / or a calcium carbonate or silica spicule. Primarily, their bodies are made up of thin sheets of cells on the frame (skeleton).
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