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Do sponges have specialized organs?

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Unlike protozoa, sponges are multicellular. However, unlike higher metazoans, the cells that make up the sponge are not organized into tissues. Therefore, the sponge lacks true tissue and organs. Moreover, they have no body symmetry. However, the sponge has special cells that perform certain functions.

What kind of organs does the sponge have?

Since the sponge has no organ system, it has no respiratory or circulatory system. They acquire oxygen by diffusing from the water flowing through their bodies, and waste is expelled by diffusing into the same puddle. 2015

Does the sponge have a specific body plan?

Sponge has three different body plans: asconoid, synconoid, and leuconoid. Sponge feeding is highly dependent on some specialized cells in the organism, such as choanocytes, amebic cells, and porosite.

How many special cells are there in the sponge?

The body of the sponge is a loose collection of about 6 special cells. Some of these cells secrete a supporting skeleton of either collagen fibers or small, sharp pieces of mineral called spicules.

Does the sponge have a special respiratory system?

The sponge does not have the complex digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems to move nutrients and oxygen around the body. Rather, each cell is independent and uses diffusion to carry out its own oxygen, food and waste processes.

Do sponges have specialized organs?

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