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Do turkeys like attention?

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Pet turkeys are very friendly and sociable She loves to be pets and even sits at our feet and gets attention! Each turkey is different and some Toms can become territories. she sits softly beside them and lets them stroke her for hours! 16th. 2020г.

Do turkeys like love?

Turkey is very sociable, affectionate and loves to play. .. Turkeys love to be stroked, stroked and hugged. They remember your face and if you like, they come to you to greet you. Turkeys also love music and sing along with the song.

Are turkeys curious?

Wild or protected turkeys enjoy nesting, foraging, sand bathing and parenting. They are very curious and curious animals that enjoy exploration, and their ability to remember the geographic content of over 1,000 acres of region helps this curiosity.

Do turkeys protect their owners?

3) Turkeys are shy, but sometimes they are loving pets. Most were initially on factory farms. "Many arrive as victims of negligence, atrocities, or hoarding," Manning wrote. .. Pet owners said birds are different in character and are often nervous animals, but they can also protect their owners.

Why do my turkeys chase me?

Poor little chickens, they always look lost! If you raise a turkey, you can never be alone. .. Turkey will chase you for hours seeking your approval! They love to go around you and almost stumble you, but they don't stop suddenly if they're behind you. They are destined to hit your feet!

Do turkeys like attention?

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