In most sponges, an internal gelatinous matrix called mesohyl functions as the endoskeleton, and it is the only soft sponge that covers a hard surface such as rock. More generally, mesohyl is cured by spicules, spongin fibers, or both.
Is the body of the sponge simple?
Many spongins have a spongin internal skeleton and / or a calcium carbonate or silica spicule. Primarily, their bodies are made up of thin sheets of cells on the frame (skeleton). .. Structures such as canals, chambers, and cavities allow water to move through sponges to almost all somatic cells.
Do all sponges have a skeleton?
All sponges have a skeleton embedded in the mesenchyme. Skeletons are made up of separate spicules, interwoven sponge fibers, or both. The skeleton supports and protects the soft body parts of the sponge.
Does the sponge have an endoskeleton or an exoskeleton?
The sponge has an internal skeleton that provides support and protection. The endoskeleton is called the endoskeleton. The endoskeleton of the sponge consists of short, sharp rods called spicules (see figure below). The spicules are made of silica, calcium carbonate, or the tough protein spongin. 2019
Does the sponge have a simple skeleton without muscles or brain?
Sponges are members of the phylum Sponge. It is a simple animal with many cells, but no mouth, muscles, heart, or brain. .. The basic body plan is a jelly-like layer sandwiched between two thin cell layers. Their bodies are full of pores and channels, allowing water to circulate through them.
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