This process is called Mouthbrooder. Sometimes female fish put fertilized eggs in their mouths, and males and females trade off. This is called a twin-parent mouthbrooder. The 7th. 2018 г.
How do fish give birth to babies?
Most fish release thousands of eggs, which are scattered in the water that male fish fertilize them. Eggs grow and hatch into larvae (baby fish) without the help of their parents. .. Several species of fish hold eggs in their bodies, so when they hatch they give birth to live younger.
Which animal gives birth by mouth?
The Eve crocodile frog is the only frog known to give birth by mouth.
Can fish give birth by themselves?
Some aquarium fish carry eggs in them. When the egg is fertilized, it eventually hatches in the mother's body and the baby gives birth.
How do fish lay eggs?
There are various breeding methods for fish, but most fish lay a large number of small eggs, which are fertilized and scattered outside the body. Pelagic fish eggs usually remain floating in the open sea. Many shore fish and freshwater fish lay eggs on the bottom and between plants.
Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇
Can fish spit eggs?How do fish carry babies?