Researchers have found that dog owners are associated with a 24% reduction in the risk of death from all causes of the general public and a 33% reduction in the risk of death for survivors of heart attack living alone. Journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 8окт. 2019г.
Are pet owners at low risk of heart disease?
Dog owners have a 24% reduction in the risk of death from all causes and a 31% reduction in the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke compared to non-owners.
Does keeping a pet improve my heart? Is it healthy?
According to the American Heart Association, keeping a pet reduces the risk of heart disease and helps lower unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Pets help survive a heart attack. If I have a heart attack, do
cat owners have a lower risk of heart disease?
Conclusion: A reduced risk of death from MI and all cardiovascular diseases (including stroke) was observed among cat owners. Keeping cats as domestic cats may be a new strategy for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease in high-risk individuals.
What reduces the risk of heart disease?
Eat a healthy diet. Try to limit saturated fats, sodium-rich foods, and added sugars. Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The Dash diet is an example of a diet that helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. These are two things that can reduce your risk of heart disease.
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